10 Important Psychosocial Risk Factors That May Affect Working LifeContents

10 Important Psychosocial Risk Factors That May Affect Working Life

There are various psychosocial risk factors encountered at work. Here are 10 important psychosocial risk factors that can affect working life...

1-Workload. Intense work schedules, excessive working hours and constant high work demands can increase employees' stress levels.

2-Work Organization. Vague job expectations, unclear job descriptions, ambiguous goals, and constantly changing job requirements can increase employees' anxiety levels.

3-Role Conflict. Role conflict, which can arise when different roles come together at work, can cause mental and emotional strain on employees.

4-Insufficient Control. When employees do not have enough freedom and control to make decisions that affect their work, it can lead to low motivation and increased stress.

5-Lack of Support. Lack of support from coworkers and managers can make employees feel isolated and unable to solve work-related problems.

6-Mobbing. Negative behaviors such as harassment, bullying or discrimination in the workplace negatively affect employees' psychological health and safety.

7-Job Security. Decreased job security or job anxiety can affect employees' overall quality of life and psychological well-being.

8-Lack of Work-Life Balance. Failure to balance work and personal life can increase employees' stress levels and negatively affect their family relationships.

9-Communication Problems. Lack of effective communication at work can lead to misunderstandings, tensions and problems in working relationships.

10-Recognition and Reward System. Unfair reward system, lack of performance-based evaluations or unfair competition can reduce employee motivation and job satisfaction.